"rest-amqp is Rest API using amqp protocol for NodeJS. Quicky build micro-services over it"

apt-get install rabbitmq-server
npm install --save rest-amqp



Rest API using amqp protocol build on nodejs http://bikashsharmabks.github.io/rest-amqp

Topic Exchange library based on AMQP protocol. Tested with RabbitMQ on the highload project.

Install RabitMQ

apt-get install rabbitmq-server

Sample code in sample.js

var restAMQP = require('../index').init();
var debug    = require('debug')('rest-amqp-sample');

restAMQP.get('/hi/:id', function (req, res) {
    debug('here i need to write business logic');
    res.send(200, {name: req.params.id});



GET http://localhost:8081/hi/aj?a=1
    "name": "aj"

Authors and Contributors

Developed by @bikashsharma.bks